hihix..loNg tiMe nV uPdAte liaO..mI hEre t0 updaTe le..quite buz tis few daes.. [24/03] tis dAe is oUr sCho0l[Jss]anual sporTs daE..41st le wor..hAhA..tis yR chEng hSe won..ovEr chAmpion..hEEx..buT vEri one from e others hsE oso hv doNe their bEst le woR..hAhAz..continue t0 jiA y0u woR..stiLl g0t mAnY mAnY mAnY yRs laTEr..hEex..afTer spOrts dae..mI n mY c0 fRenZ[s0mE]when t0 jP t0eat n sh0p..dEn lAter pLay bbaLl..hAhaz..kIp fiT..hEEx..but g0t unhappI thingy hApPen..n alL cos of mi..g0t hit a lot of times den at e sAme area..den suddenlY mi gEt s0 angry 4 no reAson..den in not gud mood lorx..haix..y mi lYk tat..waNna change mY temPer is lYk dAmn bloodY diFficult lyk tat.. haix..dun wAnNa tok abt it liao..buT w0uld tRy haRd t0 chaNge mY attitude..heEx..
[25/03] yEah..t0dAe pUblic holidae..sh0 nice cAn reSt..heex..bUt Mi t0dAe duN wadz wr0ng..wake uP dAmn eaRlY t0 g0 ruN wiF mY fReNz dEn g0 pLaY bbAll..mAy b cos so eageR t0 qUicKly geT ouT oF tAt stuPid taF clUb..hahaz..dun wiSh t0 geT in agaiN..is lYk hElL t0 mi..hEEx..dEn wenT wif mY frEnz t0 jp..g0 bUy mY jeAns n beLt..den shoP aroUnd..hAix..gtg liao..d0 hmwk..haben dun finish..hEex..cYa..bYe!
6:53 AM;
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
qUiTe sUmtImE Nv UpDaTe Le... [23/02] tIs dAe is e stArt oF mY coMmOn tEst pApErs...4 tIs nExt tw0 dAes..g0nnA bE sTreSs uP mAn..n0w scHo0l cUm oUt tIs kInD oF tHinGy..hAIz..dUn n0e wAdx cAn i sAe aS a stuDenT..hAiz..siAnx..t0da iS maThx n cHem pApEr..sHit mAn..i studY mAthx uNtiL i wAnNa sIa0 liaO..CuN faIl lolx...cUz tat mR lee arhx..scAred us iF fAil g0 10 times dEtEntion..den i of cuZ dUn wAnNa lAhx..rEc0rD sh0 tat mei...hahaz..bUt stUdy 4 maThx..n0 tiMe 4 chEm lolx..dEn die liAo lolx..mAthx all e qnS i n0e h0w t0 anSweR bUt dUnn0 c0rRect a n0t oNli..dEn chem n0 nid sAe liaO..mcq suI biAn wrItE lolx..dEn behinD oso..dUn thiNk will pAss bAhx..hAhAz...t0dA nTh mUch hAppen juZ tAke tEsT lolx..hAHaz.. [24/02] tIs dAe cAn sAe e lAst dAe oF mY c0mM0n tEst..n iS e m0st t0 mI diFFcuLt pAPeR..cAz iS ss n pHySicS..dIe die liAo...hAiz..hU cArEs anYwAy cAn pAss gUd cUn den mUz w0rK rEaLli dAmn haRd bAhx..aLl elSe tIs yR n0 h0pE lE...Den oso Dun wAnnA tEaCher t0 c pArEnTs mAn..hAte iT aRhX!!!s0 triEd mY bEst liAo..ss qNs 1 gT onE poInT wRiTe wR0nG liAo..bUt stil cAn bAhx...pHysIcs..hAiz..dun wAnNa sAe..cUn rmB aNythiNg tAt i hV lEaRn in cLaz..oR shld sAe nV lisTen bAhx..sh0 wAn dAn lE..HeeX..agAin nTh muCh hApPen..exCepT duRinG gE0...h0nG rUi cum in fronT sit dEn d0 sUmthiNgs in pAiR wAdx..dEn mI zIyiNg n hiM d0 t0gEthEr den i siT in btw..zIyInG n hIm keEp biCkiNg..wA..cUn stAnd it mAn..buT quItE fUnNy lAhx..hEex.. [25/02] t0dA gt baCk mY mAthx pAPeR..sh0 hApPi n sUrPrIsE tAt i sc0rE fULl mArKs mAn..fIrSt tiMe mAthx tis yR sc0rE sh0 gUd...mY clAss tEst kEEp fAiLinG bUt lUcky mY c0mm0n nv..hAppi..hEex..den duRinG pE...siAnx lAhx..rUn 2 r0uNds scHool coMpoUnD dEn plAy soccer..bUt in e enD pLay cAptain baLl..hAiz..i dUn y i jUz hAtE t0 pLay..sh0 lYk siAn sIan one lolx..ppL cAlL mI dEn i d0 thiNks..s0Rri arHx jUliAnA..nV hElP u gUys..hAi you aLl pLacE untiL sh0 tiReD..den nth muCh hApPen lE... [26/02] wA...i hAtE tiS dAe mAn...g0 sWiMmInG wIf mY fReNz dEn rAin..bAthX hAo liAo jIu st0p..wAdx e..hAte iT..Den acTuAllY wanna g0 gym de..bUt t0o bAd n0 sh0es..Den wEar slIppErs cUn g0 in..s0 g0 maRkEt eat bReakfAst lolx..dEn afTer tAt g0 t0 mAc n diScUss things aBt cAmp..bUt sUmthiNgs i cun heAr de sh0 liSteN t0 muSic..aFtEr tAt..dEy g0 f0r tUtion dEn mI g0 t0 jE librAry g0 fInd mY othEr frEnZ t0 fInd b0oks lolx..rEad mAhx..sh0 sIanz...dEn afTer tAt g0 jP wAlK wAlk fiNd thIngs...Den lAter g0 suPerb0wl n pLay n diScuSs thInGy again..hahaz..sh0 fUn mAn..lYk kEep g0inG hErE n thEre..dEn tAke a loT oF pUbLic transpoRt..hEex..wAd cAn i d0..dUn feeL lYk g0inG hm sh0 eaRlY mAhx..hEEx... [28/02] t0dA...poa c0mmon tEst..hAiz..pom liAo lAhx..dUn think can pAsS tiS tiMe cuZ..i AlL Any hElL wRiTe den aLl cUn bAlaNcE..sHiT lAHx..dUn n0e wHetHer cAn mAke iT a n0T..hOpE bAhx..cAn pAss... cUz i thinK i fAil lE 3 suB liAo lolx..mY chem ss pHysiCs..dUn wAnnA fail otHer oNe..n oso i uSiNg po 4 mY 3 bEst sUb 4 'n'..hAiz..cUn fail...wiSh* wIsh* wiSh*..afTer scHoOl g0 c seNiOr g0 tAke 'o' leVel reSuLt..m0st oF dEm d0nE vEri wElL..sh0 hApPi 4 dEm..bUt wHen i c theIr rEsuLt dEn thInk oF mY...hAiZ..dUn n0e wAdx t0 sAe aRhx...dAmN sHi bAi lolx...woNdEriNg wAdx rEsuLts wiLl i geT??wiLl i crY cUz i hAppI oR dIsaPpoiNted lEi..i thinK is disapointed bAhx..lo0k at mY rEsUlt n0w..wanNa pAss 'n' jiu tAt diFFcult liAo..stIl sAe 'o'..hAiz..dAmn sAd lolx...pApA kEeP teLlinG mI 'n' eaSy de...i n0e aRhx..but iS mY eNg mAhx...hAiz..but i wiLl tRy mY bEst bAhx..hAiz..dEn g0 hm wiF fReNx n c0mpAny...on e bUs dUn n0e wHy msg wiF xiAo xiAo tou suDdEnlY jIu crY liAo...hAiz..dEn mY freNz n0e..conSolE lolx..tRy t0 doU mi hApPi sh0 act acT a bit hAppier lolx..hAiz..jUz dUn n0e y sumtIme jiU wIlL sUdDeNlY feeL lYk cRyIng..tAt tiMe chInEse spELlinG oso lYk tAt..haiz..dUn n0e wAdx e heLl hAppen t0 mI..dUn wanNa toK aBt tiS le..lAter stArt t0 cRy..hAhAz..mY mamA de reSult g0t 14..da t0u g0t 11 n xiAo tou g0t 16..all sh0 gUd guD oNe..Den lY bEst arhx 5As lEi...pOweR...cLevEr gAl..hEex..wIsh i cAn gEt lYk tiS gUd reSulTs..hEEx..dReam..hahaz..n0w mUz focuS on mY 'n' fIrsT bAhx..den thInk oF 'o'...hEex..jIa y0u lolx..heeX..gtg..c yA!!
10:33 AM;
andrea lee