HAPPI 18th BURFDAE to rachel!!:))toda's lesson boring as usual..cuz is cs
but ended quite early..
20mins earlier..
one more cs lesson to go n is tmrw from 2-5pm..
fri is c e lecturer grp by grp to show him de presentation den discuss things..
den next wk de last two lesson is presentation..
den jiu study wk den exam..
is soooooo fast..
toking abt presentation..
haben done a single thing yet..
arrrghh shit lahx..
hate presentations de..
is sooooo stupid..
going to do e topic on the uses of languages?!
hv to look thru e newspapers toda..
hopefully it can be done or half done by fri..
so e lecturer can c n make comments abt it..
to yijia..
when u wanna go out buy things..??
i is anything de..
but i hving lesson on wed from 2-5pm n fri ma..lecturer dunno wan to c us at wad time..
so hv to c when u wan lor..
going to slp for a while den wake up do work le..