yOz...mOi hAben beEn uPdaTINg TiS bLoG oF mOi f0r aBoUt a mOnth liAo..hAhAz..bUz wIF sChooL stUff..cOmmOn tEst..n SYF..hAhAz..fInaLlY aLl tiS r oVeR mAn..bUt mId yR CumInG uP lE..hAiz..sTudY tiMe agAin..cUn hv a Rest ..tIs yR thIngs hApPen sho fAst..cUn eVen hV e tiMe pRePAre foR iT..mUz woRk hArd..nO timE is to bE wAstE..hAhAz..lEts toK aboUt... [coMmOn tEst] hAiz...wAs no quItE hAppi wiLl e resulTs i geT..fAil mY gEo n pOa..wAd de..hAiz..tiS tWo suB is onE oF mY bEst sUb..bUt i fAil..dEn noT vEri gud onE pAss..wAdz wRong..hAiz..bUt wAd cAn i do..but to continUe woRk hArd lol..dun tiNk cHineSe wiLl pAss..heE..4yRs oF worK lei..den mOi onLi stUdY 2yRs of e woRk..hAlF oF it mUz stUdY bY mOisElf..hAiz..bUt wAd is done is done liAo cUn chAngE AnythIng..hEe..nExt week gt math mock tEst..hEEx..mUz woRk HarD..hEex.. [SYF] sh0 hAppI..tOdA iS We c0 de bIg bIg dAy..gOt a bIT nErVouS[mOi] buT sTiLl cAn bAH..wE mAnAgE to gEt bRonZe..heEx..haPpI..kAi xin..fInAlLy hV donE sumthInG pRoUd le..prepAre so lonG jUz foR tiS dae..hEEx..lUckIlY nV bAi fei ku xin..hEEx...soMemOre tis oUR lAsT yR foR sUm oF uS...hEEx..no cHAnCe lE nA..co mUz continUe to woRk hArd wOr..contiNue to arChieve mOrE reSulTs..hEEx..jIa yOu..hEEx..
fEw mThs moRe to cAmp..lookInG foRwArd to iT..
9:24 AM;
andrea lee